Finding Shapes

The anatomy of a vsdx file is complex - but can be summarised as Pages, containing Shapes, which might contain their own child Shapes (and so on).

When using vsdx to process a diagram it is likely that you will want to act on a specific shape or shapes. To do this you will typically first identify the page, and then use some criteria to select the shape or shapes.

Selecting a Page

There are two ways to select a Page - either by (zero-based) index, or by (case-sensitive) name.

Select a Page by index

from vsdx import VisioFile  # import the package

with VisioFile('diagram.vsdx') as vis:  # create a VisioFile object from a file
    page = vis.pages[0]  # get the first Page in vsdx file
    print(  # print the name of the page

Select a Page by name

from vsdx import VisioFile  # import the package

with VisioFile('diagram.vsdx') as vis:  # create a VisioFile object from a file
    page = vis.get_page_by_name('Page 1')  # get Page with name 'Page 1
    print(  # print the name of the page

Selecting a Shape or Shapes

Find Shape in a Page

You can select a Shape or list of Shapes by ID, shape text, shape property

from vsdx import VisioFile  # import the package

with VisioFile('diagram.vsdx') as vis:  # create a VisioFile object from a file
    page = vis.pages[0]  # get first page
    shape_1 = page.find_shape_by_id('1')  # get Shape in page with ID of '1'
    shape_A = page.find_shape_by_text('A')  # get first Shape in page where text contains 'A'
    shape_with_red_label = page.find_shape_by_property_label('red')  # get first Shape in page with a property label of 'red'
    code_a_shape = page.find_shape_by_property_label_value('code', 'a')  # get first Shape in page where property 'code' = 'a'

Each of these ‘find_shape_’ methods returns a Shape object (or None).

Note: the Shape property label is the one that is visible in the ‘Shape Data Window’ in Microsoft Visio, it is not the same as the property name.

Find Shapes in a Page

Sometimes you want to find a group of related Shapes in a Page.

Note: when selecting by ID, as the ID should be unique, no find_shapes_by_id() method is available.

from vsdx import VisioFile  # import the package

with VisioFile('diagram.vsdx') as vis:  # create a VisioFile object from a file
    page = vis.pages[0]  # get first page
    shapes_A = page.find_shapes_by_text('A)  # get all Shapes in page where text contains 'A'
    shapes_with_red_label = page.find_shapes_by_property_label('red')  # get all Shapes in page with a property label of 'red'
    code_a_shapes = page.find_shapes_by_property_label_value('code', 'a')  # get all Shapes in page where property 'code' = 'a'

Each of these ‘find_shapes_’ method returns typed list of Shapes - List[Shape]

Selecting within a Shape

As a Shape can contain other Shapes, which themselves can contain more Shapes. Each Shape object supports the same methods as Page for selecting shapes, as per exampels below:

from vsdx import VisioFile  # import the package

with VisioFile('diagram.vsdx') as vis:  # create a VisioFile object from a file
    page = vis.pages[0]  # get first page
    group_shape = page.find_shape_by_property_label('my_container_1')
    my_shape = group_shape.find_by_text('my shape')  # find a Shape within the group shape

In the example above, there might be many Shapes with the text ‘my shape’, but this will find the first within your group shape tagged with a property/label

Selecting all or child Shapes

As mentioned above, each Page is a hierarchy of Shapes.

Both Page and Shape provide all_shapes and child_shapes properties.

from vsdx import VisioFile  # import the package

with VisioFile('diagram.vsdx') as vis:
    # open first page
    page = vis.pages[0]
    # Page.child_shapes and Page.all_shapes properties
    page_top_shapes = page.child_shapes  # just those Shapes directly under Page
    all_shapes_in_page = page.all_shapes  # all shapes in the hierarchy of Page
    # Shape.child_shapes and Shape.all_shapes properties
    shape = page.all_shapes[0] #  get first Shape in page
    shape_children = shape.child_shapes  # just Shapes directly under Shape
    shape_all_shapes = shape.all_shapes  # all children in hierarchy under Shape